Family Violence is a deeply gendered issue rooted in structural inequalities and an imbalance of power between women and men. There is a solid evidence base regarding the drivers and reinforcing factors that lead to family violence. It is now acknowledged that:
There are many commonly held misconceptions in our society and projected in the media that family violence is caused by:
None of these factors cause violence and there is no excuse for it. Many people are dealing with a number of these issues and don’t use violence against others, including their partners or family members. Using violence is a choice made by the individual. For more information about family violence myths, check out this fact sheet from Safe Steps.
The National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) is the world’s longest-running survey of community attitudes towards violence against women. It has been led by VicHealth (2009 and 2013) and ANROWS led the next wave. For more information click here
Let’s change the story: Violence against women in Australia