All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives

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Area Based Implementation Committee

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
A person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage or descent who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. See also Indigenous

Under Australian Law an adult is a person who is aged eighteen and above. 

To take responsibility for a fact, condition or action.

To provide professional support and/or recommendations for vulnerable individuals, families and communities, so that their voice, views, needs and wishes are considered. 

The Australian National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) is a national research organisation that produces, disseminates and assists in applying evidence for policy and practice that addresses violence against women and children. 

Abbreviation: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Alcohol Tobacco & Other Drug Association (ATODA) is a statewide representative body of both government and non-government ATOD sector in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and aims to promote health through prevention and reduction strategies. ATODA works in partnership with the sector to provide evidence informed expertise and leadership in social policy, sector and workforce development, research, coordination, partnerships, communication, information and resources. 

Abbreviation: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
People who are born overseas, have a parent who is born overseas or speak a variety of languages.

Abbreviation: Capacity Building Program

Child abuse
All forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power (WHO 2006, p.9).

Children Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) is a statewide scheme that enables authorised organisations and services to share information to promote the safety and wellbeing of children.

Abbreviation: Community of Practice

A group of people who share a concern or a passion for a specific focus or something that they do and collaborate to learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. 

Behaviour that uses force and/or of a threating nature.

Child Protection (CP) is a statewide government department within DHHS that focuses on children and young people at risk of harm or where families are unable or unwilling to protect them. CP administer protection orders, makes applications to the Children’s Court, refer children and families to appropriate services and investigate matters when a child is alleged to be in harm. 

The Common Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) is a statewide framework that assists practitioners to understand and identify risk factors associated with family violence and respond consistently. It is slowly being replaced with the redeveloped MARAM framework.

Cultural traditions
A belief, behaviour and/or custom that is linked to an ethnic group, race, country, heritage, religion or spiritual world that has been created by individuals, families and communities and holds important significance.

The Department of Education and Teaching (DET) is a statewide government department that works with government and non-government schools and early childhood services to deliver educational and developmental services to children, young people and adults. The DET provide educational and training programs for practitioners, organisations and services working in the field.

The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) is a statewide government agency responsible for delivering services to individuals, families and communities in multiple health and human services fields including ageing, disability, public health, AOD, health and wellbeing, housing and homelessness, mental health, children and families and ambulance. 

Is defined as:

  • Total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions
  • Total or partial loss of a part of the body
  • The presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness
  • The malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body
  • A disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction
  • A disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment, or that results in disturbed behaviour;

And includes disability that:

  • Presently exists
  • Previously existed but no longer exists
  • May exist in the future
  • Is imputed to a person (meaning it is thought or implied that the person has disability but does not)

(Disability Discrimination Act 1992 s.4)

Is defined as:

To treat or propose to treat a person or a group of people, directly or indirectly, unfavourably because of a personal characteristic, such as;

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race, including colour, national, ethnic origin or immigrant status
  • Sex, pregnancy, marital or relationship status, family responsibilities or breastfeeding
  • Sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status

Which is protected under Australian Law (Equal Opportunity Act 2010 s.7). 

Domestic Partner
Is defined as:

A person who is in a registered relationship within the meaning of the Relationships Act 2008, with the person; or

An adult to whom the person is not married but with whom the person is in a relationship as a couple where one or each of the persons provides personal or financial commitment and support of a domestic nature for the support of the other person

(Family Violence Protection Act 2008 s.9.1)

Abbreviation: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is any behavior that is violent, threatening, controlling or intended to make an individual and/or their family to feel scared and unsafe. It includes physical violence, sexual assault, verbal or emotional abuse, controlling behavior, stalking and technology facilitated, financial and elder abuse. 

DV Vic
Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) is a statewide non-government organisation for specialist family violence services for women and children in Victoria (VIC). DV Vic advocate and provide advice to the government, influence policy and legislation, strengthen specialist family violence practice, build the capacity of human services and collaborate with partners and members. 

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre of Victoria (DVRCV) is a statewide resource centre that focuses on the prevention and response to family violence and men’s violence against women in intimate relationships. DVRCV provide training, publications and research to individuals and families who have or are experiencing family violence and practitioners and service organisations working in the field.

Eastern Access Community Health (EACH) is a statewide (NSW and VIC) non-government organisation that provides multiple health services including individual, family and group counselling and support, children, young people, adult and elder health services and programs, training and educational programs and specialist AOD, housing, employment and NDIS support. 

The Eastern Consortium of Alcohol and Drug Services (ECADS) is a free statewide intake and referral service for young people, adults and their families who are experiencing or have experienced AOD use and require intervention and support. The services include individual and group counselling, mental illness and AOD support, rehabilitation and recovery support and peer support groups for individuals, partners and families affected by AOD use.

The Eastern Domestic Violence Service (EDVOS) is the lead specialist family violence service in the Eastern Metropolitan Region.

The Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA) is a free regional health service for people who are experiencing or have experienced sexual assault. ECASA provide counselling and support, therapeutic group work, community education, supported referrals to specialist services, 24 hour crisis care services for adults assaulted within the last two weeks and training and consultation for practitioners in the field. 

The Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC) is a free legal service for people living in the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) which provides assistance for matters including family law, family and violence intervention orders, criminal law, motor vehicle accidents and debt and civil matters. ECLC also provide community legal education for organisations and service, professional development for practitioners in the field and advocates for policy and law reform against unfair legal practices. 

Economic abuse
Is defined as:

Behaviour by a person (the first person) that is coercive, deceptive or unreasonably controls another person (the second person) without the second person’s consent

  1. In a way that denies the second person the economic or financial autonomy the second person would have had but for that behaviour; or
  2. By withholding or threatening to withhold the financial support necessary for meeting the reasonable living expenses of the second person’s child, if the second person is entirely or predominately dependent on the first person for financial support to meet those living expenses

(Family Violence Protection Act 2008 s.6)

The Eastern Drug and Alcohol Service (EDAS) is a free regional service for young people, adults and their families who are experiencing or have experienced AOD use and need support. EDAS provides counselling, support and education for individuals and their families as well as support and education for school and community groups. 

Elder abuse
Any act occurring within a relationship where there is an implication of trust, which results in harm to an older person. Abuse may be physical, sexual, financial, psychological, social and/or neglect (Australian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse 1999).

The Eastern Men’s Behaviour Change Consortium (EMBCC) 

The Eastern Men’s Family Violence Network (EMFVN) is a non-government partnership of organisations which provides an integrated and coordinated family violence response to support men who are mandated to take accountability as a perpetrator. EMFVN provides forums and educational and training programs and resources for organisations and services in the field.

The Eastern Mental Health Service Coordination Alliance (EMHSCA) oversees the development of an integrated multi sector service coordination framework for people with mental health and co-occurring problems and their carers, in the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR). EMHSCA provide governance and strategic direction for the organisations and services in the alliance.

Emotional abuse
Is defined as:

Behaviour by a person towards another person that torments, intimidates, harasses or is offensive to the other person

(Family Violence Protection Act 2008 s.7)

Abbreviation: Eastern Metropolitan Region

The Eastern Metropolitan Region is one of 8 electoral regions in Victoria. It includes Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges local government areas. 

The Eastern Regional Family Violence Partnership (ERFVP) is a non-government partnership of organisations which provides an integrated and coordinated family violence response to support women and children’s safety and accountability of perpetrators. ERFVP provides forums and educational and training programs and resources for organisations and services in the field. 

To state, belong and/or identify to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

Family member
Is a defined as:

  • A person who is, or has been, the relevant person’s spouse or domestic partner; or
  • A person who has, or has had, an intimate personal relationship with the relevant person; or 
  • A person who is, or has been, a relative of the relevant person; or
  • A child who normally or regularly resides with the relevant person or has previously resided with the relevant person on a normal or regular basis; or
  • A child of a person who has, or has had, an intimate personal relationship with the relevant person

(Family Violence Protection Act 2008 s.8.1)

Abbreviation: Flexible Support Packages

A flexible support package is a monetary sum that enables people with a disability, their families and carers to access timely and responsive supports. 

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) is a statewide government agency responsible for delivering key reforms and lead policy development in response to ending family violence in Victoria. 

Abbreviation: Family Violence

Family violence is violent, threatening or other behaviour by a person that coerces or controls a member of the person’s family (the family member) or causes the family member to be fearful. Furthermore, a child is exposed to family violence if the child hears family violence or other experiences the effects of family violence (Section 4AB of the Family Law Act 2008)  

Family violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS)

A statewide scheme that enables authorised organisations and services to share information to facilitate assessment and management of family violence risk to children and adults. 

The Family Violence Commission Reference Group (Eastern Health) is an Eastern Health initiative which aims to review existing processes, capability and partnerships to ensure a comprehensive system is in place to across all services to identify, report and respond to family violence, including elder abuse.

Governance structure
Is a system, framework of rules and/or processes or a board of people that are given authority, by which an organisation or agency is controlled, operated and held accountable to. 

Any person who does not have suitable accommodation alternatives if their current living arrangement:

  • Is a dwelling that is inadequate; or
  • Has no tenure, or if their initial tenure is short and not extendable; or 
  • Does not allow them to have control of, and access to space for social relations

(ABS 2012)

The Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Group (IFVRAG) is a non-government statewide representative body that works in partnership with the Integrated Family Violence Regional Committee to offer guidance and advice to government and community stakeholders, support Aboriginal community led solutions, represent and liaise with Aboriginal communities and manage discretionary funds. 

A person of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage who identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. See also Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander

Inner East Metropolitan Melbourne
The Inner East Metropolitan region includes Boroondora, Manningham, Monash and Whitehorse local government areas.  

Integrated Family Services
Integrated Family Services is a free statewide referred service through Child FIRST for children and families who are experiencing the impacts of multiple issues including AOD, child development, disability, family conflict, family violence, financial difficulties, grief and loss, illness, mental health, parenting issues, separation issues and trauma. 

Intimate partner violence
Violent or intimidating behaviours perpetrated by a current or cohabitating partner, boyfriend, girlfriend or date (AIHW 2019). See also What is Family Violence?

L17 Form
The L17 form is the Victorian Police Risk Assessment and Management report that Victorian Police are required to complete after attending a family incident. The report is completed when family incidents, interfamilial-related sexual offences and child abuse are reported to the police. 

Consists of Acts of Parliament and the secondary law made under them. It can be a single law or a collection of laws.

Abbreviation: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer people and community

The Mothers and Babies Engaging and Living Safely (MABELS) program is a statewide free self-referred or GP referred program that targets pregnant women who are unable to access antenatal care services or who need extra support due to socioeconomic status, CALD background, health behaviours, mental health, age, distance from services, age and identify as Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander. The program is delivered at local community health centres. 

The Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Management Framework (MARAM) is the recently updated statewide framework under the Family Law Protection Act 2008 (part 11) that provides policy guidelines for all services within the family violence field to ensure effective identification, assessment and management of family violence risk. 

Abbreviation: Maternal and Child Health

The Men’s Enhanced Intake (MEI) program is a mandated program which focuses on increasing the safety of women and children by offering perpetrators an opportunity to take responsibility for their abusive behaviour. 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a type of agreement between two or more parties. 

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national government scheme enacted by the National Insurance Scheme 2013 which aims to provide monetary support for persons living with one or more recognised disability.  

Orange Door
A free intake and referral service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or havexexperienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children. Each hub has specialist government and non-government family violence services, family services, Aboriginal services and services for men who use violence. There are currently 5 Orange Door hubs operating. It is expected that by 2021, there will be 17 hubs in operation. 

Outer East Metropolitan Melbourne
The Outer East Metropolitan region includes Knox, Maroondah and Yarra Ranges local government areas.

Parental abuse
Violent or intimidating behaviours perpetrated by a parent and/or guardian of a child under their care. See also What is Family Violence? Family Abuse, Child 

A person who commits domestic, family violence or sexual violence against another adult, young person or child.

A Primary Health Network (PHN) is a non-government regional organisation that aims to improve patient care and to make healthcare across Australia more efficient and effective. The 31 PHN’s provide and fund after hours service, mental health services and health promotion programs.

In the family violence sector it is strategies, frameworks and policies designed to stop violence against an individual, family and community before it starts. 

The Principal Strategic Advisor (Also known as Regional Integration Coordinator) acts as a conduit of information between the RFVP Executive Committee (RFVPEC) and statewide family violence initiatives and reforms, while also driving and coordinating regional capacity building projects to support integrated service delivery.

Psychological abuse
Also known as emotional abuse, is a form abuse which impacts on a person’s mental health and wellbeing. Behaviours can include limiting access to finances, preventing the victim from contacting family and friends and demeaning and humiliating the victim. The affects can include anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation. See also Emotional abuse.

A Risk Assessment and Management Panel (RAMP) is a regional group comprised of key members from specialist family violence organisations and agencies who meet monthly to share information and take action to keep identified women and children at the highest risk from family violence safe.

The purpose of the Victorian public sector is to support the federal, state and local governments in delivering services to the community. This is done through public service bodies, such as government departments and administrative offices and public entities, such as hospitals, TAFE’s and water authorities.

Is the process in which a person, impacted by family or domestic violence, works through their experiences in partnership with individuals and carers to provide support in a way that is healing and restorative to the individual, couple or families’ needs. It is acknowledging that each person is an expert in their own life and lived experience. 

To make changes (institution or practice) with the intent of improving it. 

Regional Integration Committee
A Regional Integration Committee (RIC) identifies and prioritises local and regional family violence within the statewide policy framework. Its purpose is to achieve improved integration of family violence services and coordination with other key sector services. Each committee is made up of members that represent the different service types and sectors in the field. There are 13 RIC’s across Victoria.  

A person connected by blood or marriage. See also Family Member.

To give an answer or have a reaction to something. 

The Royal Commission into Family Violence
The Royal Commission into Family Violence was given power to commence their investigation into Family Violence in Victoria on 22 February 2015. The Commission received over 1000 written and verbal submissions, conducted 44 group consultation sessions and held hearings over 25 days from family violence specialists, expert organisations and services and individuals. The Commission provided their report, containing 227 recommendations on 29 March 2016.

Safe Steps
Is a state-wide 24 hour Family Violence Response Centre for women, young people and children who are experiencing family violence. Safe Steps provides assessments, safety planning, supported referrals, counselling, court support services, flexible support packages and advocacy. 

A person’s sexual orientation or preference.

Sexual abuse
Is defined as:

  • A person (A) intentionally touches another person (B) 
  • The touching is sexual
  • B does not consent to the touching, and
  • A does not reasonably believe that B consents to the touching.

(Crimes Amendment (Sexual Offences and Other Matters) Act 2014 s.40)

SFV Advisor
A Specialist Family Violence Advisor is a senior practitioner with extensive knowledge of family violence. They are located in auspice agencies across Victoria and work in mental health and AOD services. 

The Specialist Homelessness Information Platform (SHIP) is a web-based data system available and accessible for any Specialist Homelessness Service (SHS) agency. It allows the agency to record client information, case notes, case plans and client goals. 

Sibling abuse
Violent or intimidating behaviours perpetrated by a sibling to another sibling within the same family. See also What is Family Violence? Family Abuse

Social classes
The division of society based upon an individual’s socioeconomic status. In Australia there are five main social classes; working class, established middle class, mobile middle class, emerging affluent class and established affluent class.

Socioeconomic status
Is the social and economic position of an individual, or group of individuals within a society. 

Social exclusion
Is a multidimensional process driven by unequal power relationships interacting across the economic, political, social and cultural dimensions and individual, household, group, community, country and global levels (WHO 2019).

Tools for Risk and Management 

A risk assessment and management program, developed as part of the MARAM framework and utilised the Orange Door hubs.

A person who has suffered physical, emotional or emotional injury, or financial loss because of a crime (VLA 2018). 

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