All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives
The Victorian government are implementing reforms to support the family violence sector. The inter-related approach is designed to reduce family violence and promote child wellbeing and safety.
MARAM is a policy framework for organisations prescribed in assessing and managing family violence risk. The Framework sets out the responsibilities of different workforces in identifying, assessing and managing family violence risk across the family violence and broader service system.
The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme allows authorised services to collect, use and share relevant information to reduce family violence risk.
The Child Information Sharing Scheme is in place for authorised services. Professionals working with children and young people can collect, use and share relevant information to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and their families.
Topics include:
Topics include:
The Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence (SHRFV) program has developed an eLearn module tailored to clinical staff working in Antenatal services and Koorie Maternity services. The module takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and is designed to support your understanding of how to sensitively engage with and screen women who may be experiencing family violence. This is completed as an eLearn on the Information Sharing and MARAM Online Learning system.
The Course in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence Risk (22510VIC) covers foundational family violence knowledge and MARAM responsibilities (1, 2 5, 6, 9 and 10) aligning to identification, including use of the screening tool and basic safety planning. It is suitable for anyone who interacts with clients or customers. A list of Registered Training Organisations who deliver the course is available at My Skills. For more information about how to enrol, contact your preferred course provider. – for CISS-related questions – for FVISS and MARAM-related questions – for technical issues with the online learning modules
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A society in which all communities and people are free from family violence
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