All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives

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RFVP Therapeutic Programs Hub

Services for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander women, children & families

The RFVP Therapeutic Hub is a free resource available to anyone looking for therapeutic services in the Eastern Metropolitan Region. It is designed to help people connect with appropriate supports and brings together the latest information about therapeutic services in our area. All service information is regularly updated and free to download.

Please fill out the form below if you have a service that you would like us to add to the hub.

Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Bringing up Great Kids - Lilydale

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre – in partnership with ACF

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal Parents (any gender) and Kinship Carers

Length: 8 sessions (school term). In person.

Location: Lilydale

Focus: Program and resources are underpinned by a philosophy of promoting and supporting respectful, caring and nurturing relationships between parents and their children.

Contact: Group delivered twice a year- target group is allocated according to expressions of interest/need. Email:

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Stronger with Stories - Lilydale

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre – in partnership with ACF

Eligibility Criteria: Mothers and young children

Length: 6-week

Location: Lilydale

Focus: A Mums and Bubs program for babies and preschool chlidren.

Contact: Group delivered twice a year- target group is allocated according to expressions of interest/need.

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: Children welcome

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Koorie Kids are Kool Kids - Croydon

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre – in partnership with Uniting Wesley

Eligibility Criteria: Children

Length: 4 weeks. Each term

Location: Croydon

Focus: A youth program aimed at exploring emotions, safety planning, building pride in Identity and strengthening strong safe connections to Culture, Country, family and community.

Contact: Group is run every term dependent on restrictions. F2F group.
Internal referrals prioritised Email for referral form and further information.

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: N/A

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Individual Identity & Healing Journey - Lilydale

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre

Eligibility Criteria: Women who have not grown up with strong connections to their Aboriginal identity.

Length: 6-weeks- online

Location: Lilydale

Focus: Focus on establishing and strengthening connection to culture through a healing journey of self discovery.

Contact: Internal referrals only

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No 

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Cultural Connections Camp

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre

Eligibility Criteria: Women and their children

Length: 3-day camp. 1 per year.

Location: Varied

Focus: Allowing women and their children to connect with culture, Community and country away from everyday demands.  Space supported by Elders, traditional /cultural practices such as possum skins, yarning with Elders, smoking ceremony and tree of life work.

Contact: Internal referrals only

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided:  N/A

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Possum Skin Cloak Program - Lilydale

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre

Eligibility Criteria: Women

Length: Subject to restricitions. 5 weeks. In person.

Location: Lilydale

Focus: A program aimed at acknowleding women’s cultural connection by beginning or adding to their possum cloak.

Contact: Delivered every term. internal referral/external (conflicts of interest to be checked)
Face to face workshop, subject to current restrictions. Email

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No 

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Women's Art Circle - Tiddas Group - Online

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal Women

Length: 1 per month

Location: Currently running online.

Focus: Strengthen friendships and cultural connections with other strong Aboriginal women, while enjoying art, goal setting, meet guest speakers and wellbeing programs as a group.


Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Women's counselling

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal Women

Length: Individualised



Contact: For information/capacity/referrals form contact

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No

Numbers: N/A

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Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre - Aboriginal children and youth - Face to Face

Organisation: Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Centre – in partnership with ACF

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal children and youth

Length: Individualised

Location: Face to face/outreach

Focus: 1:1 trauma informed counselling with cultural lens.

Contact: For information / capacity / referrals form contact

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No 

Numbers: N/A

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Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place Events

Organisation: Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community

Length: Varied

Location: Varied

Focus: A range of community events including arts and crafts, men’s group, women’s healing group etc.

Contact: For information visit:

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: No 

Numbers: N/A

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VACCA - Family Violence Therapeutic Services - Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Organisation: VACCA

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal children, individuals, couples and families


Location: Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Focus: All interventions are aimed at healing family violence impacts for victim survivors. Overall aim to create safety for families in their homes and in their relationships.

Contact: Professional and self referral. Contact Lisa Lovell

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: N/A

Numbers: N/A

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VACCA - Yarning Circle - Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Organisation: VACCA

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal Elders and Carers

Length: Fortnightly (runs in conjunction with Youth Group)

Location: Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Focus: Provides a Culturally safe space for Elders and Carers to gather and tell stories or just yarn, bond with others who have similar things in common, share their culture and get involved in Cultural activities.

Contact: Professional and self referral. Contact Erin Spencer or Hannah Edwards

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: Yes

Numbers: N/A

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VACCA - Youth Group - Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Organisation: VACCA

Eligibility Criteria: Aboriginal Youth 0-5years; 6-18 years

Length: Fortnightly (runs in conjunction with Yarning Circle)

Location: Both Inner and Outer Eastern Melbourne

Focus: Provides a Culturally safe space for our Youth to participate with others that they have things in common with. It offers Culturally sensitive, educational and life skill Activities and supports to the following age groups.

Contact: Professional or self-referral. Contact Hannah Edwards

Funded: Yes

Childcare Provided: N/A

Numbers: N/A

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Do you have a Therapeutic Service that you would like to add to the Hub?

Please fill in the form below with as much information as you can and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

If yes, please advise.
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