Phone: 1300 342 255
Location: Eastern Metropolitan Region
Eastern Health provide a wide range of health and community services across multiple locations in the EMR.
Services include:
For more information see
Location: Multiple across the Eastern Metropolitan Region
Services include:
For more information see
Inner East: 1300 552 509
Outer East: 1800 546 532
Services include:
For more information see
Central Intake Number: (03) 9810 3000
Services for adults and children including:
For more information see
Phone: 03 9738 8801
Services include:
For more information see
Phone: 1300 003 224
Location: Multiple across the Eastern Metropolitan Region
EACH provides an integrated range of health, disability, counselling and community mental health services including:
For more information see
Phone: 03 9865 6700
Location: State-wide
Services include:
For more information see
A list of Doctors and Mental Health Professionals Recommended by Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Families Like Mine – A Guide to parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
For more information see
Phone: 1300 130 813
Location: Mitcham
Services include:
For more information see
Box Hill: 03 9257 0100 or freecall 1800 013 952
Action Centre Melbourne CBD: 03 9660 4700 or freecall 1800 013 952
Services include Information, support and advice on:
Both clinics provide services for people under 25 where:
For more information see
Melbourne Sexual Health Centre
Phone: 03 9341 6200 or free call 1800 032 017
Location: Carlton
HIV Clinic: 03 9341 6214
Services include:
For more information see