All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives

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RFVP Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub

Disabled Persons Organisations

The Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub has been developed for organisations and practitioners who are working with people with disability who are experiencing or using family violence. 

The Resource Hub provides ready access to important resources that promote safety, accessibility, equity and inclusion of people with disability which can aid in reducing barriers and increasing safety.  Resources are relevant to Organisational Leaders, Specialist Family Violence and Sexual Assault Practitioners, Disability Services, Health, Family Support, Education and others.

Since the International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981, people with disability have organised themselves into their own organisations all over the world. A Disabled People’s Organisation is an organisation that is controlled by people with disability (at least 51% people with disability at
the board and membership levels).

A DPO is different to other disability sector organisations because it is ‘for us, by us’.

DPOs believe that people with disability are “our own best spokespersons, and that our role has been and continues to be fundamental to the disability rights movement”.

There are different kinds of DPOs:

▪ diagnostic-focused DPOs, which represent a particular medical diagnostic group. E.g.
people living with cerebral palsy.
▪ population-specific DPOs, which represent a certain population group and their specific
experience of disability. E.g. women with disability.
▪ cross-disability DPOs, which represent the interests of people with all kinds of disability.

The role of these organisations includes:

▪ providing disability communities with voices of our own
▪ identifying the needs of people with disability
▪ expressing views on priorities
▪ evaluating services
▪ advocating for change
▪ raising public awareness

DPO websites contain much valuable information, resources and may offer training and support to mainstream organisations to better understand, support and include people with disabilities.


List of Peak Bodies and Disabled Persons Organisations

About this resource: A range of peak bodies and associations exist to support disability organisations and individuals around Australia. If you have a particular area of interest or are seeking information to support
disability employment in your workplace, you can contact any of the groups listed.

Applying this resource: For community service organisations and practitioners. 

List of Disabled Persons Organisations for children with disabilities and families

About this resource: The Association of Children with Disabilities Victoria has a list of DPOs relevant for children with

Applying this resource: For community service organisations, practitioners and parents of children with disabilities.

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