All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives

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RFVP Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub

Children and Young People

The Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub has been developed for organisations and practitioners who are working with people with disability who are experiencing or using family violence. 

The Resource Hub provides ready access to important resources that promote safety, accessibility, equity and inclusion of people with disability which can aid in reducing barriers and increasing safety.  Resources are relevant to Organisational Leaders, Specialist Family Violence and Sexual Assault Practitioners, Disability Services, Health, Family Support, Education and others.

This section includes resources for parents and young people with disability. There are also links to key organisations who can support parents of children with disability, as well as resources that practitioners can use with children and young people with disability to help their understanding of protective
behaviours, respectful relationships and safety planning.

If you have concerns for the safety or wellbeing of children and young people, take action.

For children and young people in need of protection
Child protection receive reports about children when there are concerns the child is in need of protection. A child in need of protection is a child who has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect, and their parent has not protected or is unlikely to protect the child from harm of that type.

For significant concerns regarding wellbeing of children
If you have significant concern for the wellbeing of a child, but do not believe they are at risk of significant harm, and where the immediate safety of the child will not compromised, a referral to The Orange Door may be appropriate.

The Orange Doors in the Eastern Melbourne Regions:
Inner Eastern Melbourne Area
Local Government Areas – Booroondara, Manningham, Monash, Whitehorse
30-32 Prospect St
Box Hill VIC 3128
Phone: 1800 354 322

Outer Eastern Melbourne Area
Local Government Areas – Knox, Maroondah, Yarra Ranges
4-16 Devon St
Croydon VIC 3136
Phone: 1800 271 150

Failure to disclose child sexual abuse offence
A new offence for failure to disclose child sexual abuse came into effect on 27 October 2014. The offence requires that any adult who holds a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed in Victoria by an adult against a child (aged under 16) disclose that information to police. The offence applies to all adults in Victoria, not just professionals who work with children, unless they have a reasonable excuse.

For more information, see Criminal offences to improve responses to child sex abuse.

The purple book: videos

About this resource: A series of accessible videos with Auslan, text and audio created by The Domestic Violence Prevention Centre. They include videos titled:
• What is Domestic and Family Violence
• Children and Domestic Violence
• Leaving a relationship due to violence
• Legal protections
• Safey Planning
• Domestic violence and technology
• Looking after yourself after leaving a violence relationship (coming soo

Applying this resource: Information for people with disability who are wanting understand and increase their safety from Family Violence.

Get the Go-ahead

About this resource: Get the Go-Ahead is a collection of resources about affirmative consent, sexual and
reproductive rights, and prevention of gendered violence for Disabled young adults. Aimed at
Disabled people and those who work with or support us, these resources have been codesigned
and coproduced by a Disabled Young Experts group with support from Women’s Health East
and Youth Disability Advocacy Service. Get the Go-ahead includes videos and booklets offered
in a range of accessible formats including Audio-visual, Auslan and Opendyslexia.

Applying this resource: Young people with disability, professionals and educators.

Children with disability: guide to disabilities

About this resource: The Raising Children Network website has information for parents about assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic intervention and support for children with disability.

Applying this resource: A resource for parents and professionals working with parents who have children with disability.   

Support for parents of children with disability - About the Association for Children with a Disability (ACD)

About this resource: ACD provides free information, advocacy and support to families of children with
disability, from across Victoria. Their website also has extensive resources for families. They are a valuable support for parents who have children with disability and can provide secondary consultation to practitioners.

Applying this resource: For practitioners and parents who have children with disability.   

FVDPLI Resource – Supports for Carers

About this resource: Links to a range of support services for parents, children and young people who are carers. 

Applying this resource: A resource for parents and professionals. 

Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS)

About this resource: The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is an advocacy organisation that works with disabled young people who are aged 12 to 25. They offer free advocacy services and run programs for young people to help build their skills in self-advocacy. YDAS is a core agency of Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic). YDAS was established in 2006 and is funded by the Victorian Government.

Applying this resource: An advocacy support service for young people with disability. 

Safety planning with children with disabilities - Speak up and be safe – communication aids

About this resource: Scope was supported by the Victorian Government to produce a communication toolkit and resources for people with communication difficulties, to assist individuals to identify and report abuse. 

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children with disability.   

Safety planning with children with disabilities - Body cue card female

About this resource: To assist communication with children when developing safety plans. 

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children who are non-verbal.   

Safety planning with children with disabilities - Body cue card male

About this resource: To assist communication with children when developing safety plans. 

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children who are non-verbal.   

Social stories to supporting children’s understanding of abusive behaviour

About this resource: These resources are part of the Be Safe resource collection, and are social stories that provide information for individuals with autism on what are abuse behaviours including physical abuse. 

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children with Autism.   

Social stories to support children in many life area domains

About this resource: A collection of free social stories to support children in many areas including family relationships, separation, transitions etc.

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children with Autism.   

Age Appropriate sexual behaviour in children and young people

About this resource: Developed by South East Centre Against Sexual Assault, this resource provides guidance to parents and professionals to assist in recognising sexual behaviours of concern in children and
young people.

Applying this resource: For practitioners and parents.   

Porn is not the Norm

About this resource: PORN IS NOT THE NORM aims to prevent pornography’s harms to autistic young people by equipping them and their parents, carers, teachers and workers to understand pornography’s
prevalence, nature and impacts, and how they can safely navigate healthy and respectful relationships and sexuality in this context.

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children with Autism.   

Choiceworks app – to support communication and routines for children with disability/younger children

About this resource: The Choiceworks App can be used to support communication and routines for children with disabilities (or younger children).  

Given it’s able to be customised, it could be used to develop a safety plan that a child can access on their device (if safe to do so).  

There is a cost for the App – $29.00 however Brokerage/Flexible Support Package may be able to fund this. 

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children with Autism.     

Safety planning tools for children - Helping Hands Activity

About this resource: This tool can assist children and practitioners to develop an understanding of who are important people and supports in their lives. These may be people a child can reach out to when feeling unsafe or worried. Suited to children developmental aged 5-14 years.

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children developmentally aged 5-14 years.

Safety planning tools for children – Safety Plan for Kids

About this resource: This tool can assist children and practitioners who are supporting them to develop a safety plan.

Applying this resource: For practitioners working with children who are experiencing family violence.

Education support for children with disabilities - Department of education – Victoria - making reasonable adjustments

About this resource: Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, education providers are legally required to make reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities. 

Education providers must take reasonable steps to make adjustments in a reasonable time. 

Adjustments can be made: 

  • in the classroom 
  • in the playground 
  • to excursions and camps 
  • to the premises 

Applying this resource:

For practitioners to assist in working collaboratively with Victorian schools when supporting  children with disability and their parents.   


Education support for children with disabilities - Department of education – Victoria - making reasonable adjustments – Easy Read

About this resource: Under the Disability Standards for Education 2005, education providers are legally required to make reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities. 

Education providers must take reasonable steps to make adjustments in a reasonable time. 

Adjustments can be made: 

  • in the classroom 
  • in the playground 
  • to excursions and camps 
  • to the premises 

Applying this resource: An Easy Read resource for parents with disability which explains the approach schools can take when including their child with disability. 


Education support for children with disabilities - Department of education – Victoria – Student Support Services Handbook

About this resource: A handbook that describes an operating model for Student Support Services (SSS) following its alignment with DET Areas. SSS do vital work in supporting students’ health and wellbeing and SSS are critical to building an excellent education system that reduces the impact of disadvantage. The SSS Operating model is explained and demonstrates how inclusion and wellbeing support is undertaken in Victorian Schools.

Applying this resource: For practitioners to assist in working collaboratively with Victorian schools when supporting children with disability and their parents.

Understanding behaviours of concern for children with disability

About this resource: This practice guide draws on research evidence and practitioner knowledge to provide an overview of approaches to understanding the behaviours of children with disability and the concept of ‘behaviours of concern’. It includes some practical principles for working with children with disability and their families. This guide is primarily intended for use by child and family support professionals who may work with children with disability and their families but may not be specialists in providing disability support. It synthesises general research evidence and broad practice knowledge. It does not include guidance on
how to deliver services that are funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) (e.g.
development and implementation of behaviour support plans)

Applying this resource: For child and family support professionals.

NDIS - guide to supporting young people

About this resource: The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is an advocacy organisation that works with disabled young people who are aged 12 to 25. They work with disabled young people in Victoria to make sure they can speak up and are being treated fairly. They can access YDAS free advocacy service if they need advice or support. YDAS is a core agency of Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic). YDAS was established in 2006 and is funded by the Victorian Government. YDAS have developed a guide for professionals working with young people wanting to access the NDIS.

It explains the NDIS process and gives information and tools to support young people with
disability to get the most from the NDIS and includes tips on how to manage the Education

Applying this resource: For practitioners supporting young people wanting to access the NDIS.

Connecting the dots – ANROWS

About this resource: Understanding the Domestic and family violence experiences of children and young people with disability within and across sectors.  

Applying this resource: A foundational resource for specialist family violence and sexual assault services.   

LGBTIQA+ and neurodiverse community - I Can Network

About this resource: There are a significant number of Autistic people who also belong to the LGBTIQA+ community, an intersection that is reflected in formal research, rich anecdotal evidence from around the world and from the lived experience.  The I Can Network has developed resources for young people, family members and professionals and services to assist in meaningful inclusion and engagement of LGBTIQA+ young people who are Autistic.   

Applying this resource: For practitioners to utilise in practice with Neurodivergent LGBTIQA+ young people and families they are supporting.  Professional development is also available.    

Melbourne Playgrounds

About this resource: Information about accessible playgrounds and play spaces around Melbourne.

Applying this resource: A resource for parents or carers of children with disability.

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