All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives
The Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub has been developed for organisations and practitioners who are working with people with disability who are experiencing or using family violence.
The Resource Hub provides ready access to important resources that promote safety, accessibility, equity and inclusion of people with disability which can aid in reducing barriers and increasing safety. Resources are relevant to Organisational Leaders, Specialist Family Violence and Sexual Assault Practitioners, Disability Services, Health, Family Support, Education and others.
Advocacy is important for ensuring the rights of people with disability are upheld. It is also important for fostering autonomy, dignity and self- determination for people with disability.
Advocacy services seek to support people with disability to exercise their rights and freedoms through: the provision of individual advocacy support; supporting people to advocate for themselves; and/or influencing long-term, systemic changes to ensure that rights and freedoms are attained and upheld.
Disability advocacy is also essential in creating a more inclusive society. It helps to remove the discrimination and barriers that people with disabilities face when trying to access essential services and be active members of their communities.
Responsibility for funding disability advocacy in Australia is currently shared between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments, with the exception of South Australia.
There are also a small number of advocacy organisations that are not funded by government.
Source: Review of the National Disability Advocacy Program, Department of Social Services, July 2017
About this resource: A list of Disability Advocacy Organisations available in Victoria
Applying this resource: For people with disability and practitioners wanting to connect with Advocacy Organisations.
About this resource: DARU is a dedicated resource unit funded to work with disability advocacy organisations to promote and protect the rights of people with disability.
DARU develops and distributes resources and provides training opportunities to keep disability advocates informed and up-to-date about issues affecting people with disability in Victoria.
DARU maintain a directory of organisations for agencies delivering disability advocacy as well as complaints bodies, campaigners, support groups and useful referral and information services
Applying this resource: For practitioners supporting people with disability.
About this resource: Being empowered to self-advocate is valuable for people with disability. SARU is an online resource for self-advocacy groups, government and community to connect, work together and share information and knowledge.
Applying this resource: For people with disability and practitioners wanting to connect with Self-Advocacy Organisations.
About this resource: Being empowered to self-advocate is valuable for people with disability. Voices Together is an online resource for self-advocacy groups, government and community to connect, work together and share information and knowledge.
Applying this resource: For people with disability and practitioners wanting to connect with Self-Advocacy Organisations.
About this resource: The Youth Disability Advocacy Service (YDAS) is an advocacy organisation that works with disabled young people who are aged 12 to 25.
They offer free advocacy services and run programs for young people to help build their skills in self-advocacy.
YDAS is a core agency of Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic). YDAS was established in 2006 and is funded by the Victorian Government.
Applying this resource: For young people with disability and practitioners wanting to connect to YDAS.
A society in which all communities and people are free from family violence
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