All people and communities are free from family violence and have freedom and choice over their lives
The Disability Inclusion and Safety Resource Hub has been developed for organisations and practitioners who are working with people with disability who are experiencing or using family violence.
The Resource Hub provides ready access to important resources that promote safety, accessibility, equity and inclusion of people with disability which can aid in reducing barriers and increasing safety. Resources are relevant to Organisational Leaders, Specialist Family Violence and Sexual Assault Practitioners, Disability Services, Health, Family Support, Education and others.
The effects of financial abuse from family violence can be devastating and long lasting. Leading to feeling trapped, lonely and isolated, and with limited access to money or mounting debts, may lead to people experiencing violence that they are unable to leave the partner, family member, friend or carer who is harming them.
Financial barriers can also be significant for people with disability who are further disadvantaged due to barriers to employment and cost of living/access to medications or daily living support.
Some financial supports are available for people escaping family violence and Specialist Family Violence Services like The Orange Door or Safe Steps is able to assist with information about financial supports available for people experiencing family violence.
The Orange Door
Safe Steps
This section also contains resources and information in relation to financial payments that people with disability may also be eligible for including Disability Support Pension and how to apply through Services Australia.
About this resource: The Escaping Violence Payment is available to people experience family violence who are:
Applying this resource: For people escaping family violence.
About this resource: The Escaping Violence Payment is available to people experience family violence who are:
Applying this resource: For practitioners supporting people escaping family violence.
About this resource: The Escaping Violence Payment is available to people experience family violence who are:
Applying this resource: An accessible resource for people escaping family violence.
About this resource: DSP is a Centrelink payment for people who have a medical or psycho-social condition, or intellectual disability, that limits their ability to work. The Factsheet covers eligibility, gathering
evidence and explains the application and/or appeal process.
Applying this resource: For people wanting information about the DSP and practitioners
About this resource: The DSP Help Website has valuable information to support people who are wanting to access the DSP. This includes information on how to go about securing medical evidence and information for professionals who may be supporting a person with their application.
DSP help – getting the right medical evidence
DSP help – information for professionals
Applying this resource: For people wanting information about the DSP and practitioners.
About this resource: The Letter of Support Template can be used by people who would like to apply for the DSP with the support of the General Practitioner. The template sets out the information an applicant will require from their General Practitioner to support the medical evidence requirements for their DSP application.
Applying this resource: For people wanting support from their GP for their DSP application.
About this resource: Legal Aid Victoria have created a checklist that DSP applicants can use to help prepare to lodge their DSP application with Centrelink.
Applying this resource: For people who making a DSP application to Centrelink.
A society in which all communities and people are free from family violence
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